🌱 Welcome to the fourth Training Activity of the Research part of the Digital Marketing Strategy Module.
In this activity, digital marketing expert Amani Majed discusses the following:
🌻 What is a buyer persona?
🌻 what is the purpose of a buyer persona?
🌻 Walk through a step-by-step template to take powerful action.
This book is one of the best-selling books in America. Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the gold standard for grasping life and business. His principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems gives you the security to accept and manage change and the knowledge to take advantage of these new opportunities.
Note: The audiobook is available in Arabic here.
The Lean Startup approach fosters companies that are both more capital efficient and that leverage human creativity more effectively. Rather than wasting time creating elaborate business plans, The Lean Startup offers entrepreneurs—in companies of all sizes—a way to test their vision continuously, to adapt and adjust before it’s too late.
Learn the six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, and the nine ways to change people without arousing resentment. This best-selling book is a must-read for leaders in any sector.
🌱 Welcome to the first Training Activity of the Media & Channels part of the Digital Marketing Strategy Module.
In this activity, digital marketing expert Amani Majed discusses the following:
🌻The definition of a digital channel.
🌻The types of digital channels.
🌻The difference between Push and Pull Marketing.
🌻Best practices for choosing channels.
🌱 Welcome to the second Training Activity of the Media & Channels part of the Digital Marketing Strategy Module.
In this activity, the digital expert Amani Majed discusses the following topics:
🌻 Key elements of the digital marketing budget.
🌻 Key considerations for planning a budget.
🌱 Welcome to the third Training Activity of the Media & Channels part of the Digital Marketing Strategy Module.
In this activity, the digital expert Amani Majed discusses the following:
🌻 A/B testing
🌻 A Walkthrough Google Analytics
🌱 Welcome to the first Training Activity of the Technical Execution part of the Digital Marketing Strategy Module.
In this activity, the digital expert Amani Majed discusses the following:
🌻 What is content?
🌻 Best practices for content creation.
🌱 Welcome to the second Training Activity of the Technical Execution part of Digital Marketing Strategy Module.
In this activity, the digital expert Amani Majed discusses the following topics:
🌻 The different types of ad campaigns you can run on Facebook Business Manager.
🌻 How to create campaigns using Facebook Business Manager.
🌱 Welcome to the third Training Activity of the Technical Execution part of the Digital Marketing Strategy Module.
In this activity, the digital expert Amani Majed discusses the following topics:
🌻 The different types of campaigns you can run with Google Ads.
🌻 How to create a search campaign using Google Ads.