Bloom Activity Library


πŸ“– Book: Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon



Working Backwards is an insider's breakdown of Amazon's approach to culture, leadership, and best practices from two long-time, top-level Amazon executives.


πŸ“Š Business Process: Strategic Planning: Grow Your Business With Purpose


Turning your business vision into reality requires a healthy, realistic approach and a well-crafted path toward success. You need to think realistically about where your business is going and be flexible about your expectations. Setting concrete performance measures is a great idea, but you need to support them with a plan to achieve them.


πŸŽ₯ Video: How to Set KPIs and Goals



In this video, Adora Cheung from the YCombinator Startup School speaks about the importance of defining and tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to understand and measure how effectively your startup is reaching its goals.


πŸŽ₯ Video: How to Lead



To succeed in building a big company in the long-term, founders must become good at leading, motivating, and retaining great people. Ali Rowghani, CEO of the YCombinator Continuity Fund, takes from his experience working with great leaders to share his three observations on leadership:

🌻 All leaders are all different. There's no single archetype.

🌻 However, they have three common traits: communication, judgment about people, and integrity and commitment.

🌻The best way to measure great leaders is in terms of the amount of trust they're able to engender in the people who work with them, for them, around them, etc. Trust is the metric for leadership in a 360-degree sense of the word.


πŸ’» Online Resource: Stanford Design Thinking Toolkit


Design Thinking is a methodology to help teams innovate while keeping users' needs in mind. This toolkit from Stanford University guides you through the basics of Design Thinking, which will help you build an amazing product! πŸ‘·


πŸŽ“ Training Activity 1: Breathing Tips - Awareness and Practices


πŸƒ One of the easiest ways to positively affect on our minds and bodies is by becoming aware of the breath. Often, when under stress, we tend to hold our breath, and this becomes habitual.

Take a few moments to become aware of breath, support the breath to become more balanced, and use the breath to release excess stress with this video 🌬️


πŸŽ“ Training Activity 2: The 'Sit Back' Tip - Connecting to your Chair Watch:


Our chair can be a very useful resource for releasing accumulated stress and anxiety build up, without having to do anything or go anywhere. Simply by connecting to the chair, especially through our back, the body relaxes, blood pressure lowers, muscle tensions release. By integrating simple practices for releasing stress and tension, we keep ourselves healthy and more resilient.


πŸŽ“ Training Activity 3: The "De-Focusing Tip': Giving your Eyes a Break.


πŸŽ“ Training Activity 1: Nature - a Contextual Calendar


β€’ Conscious intention to connect with nature’s presence in daily encounters

β€’ Capacities: Noticing. Pause. Being Present and quiet.

β€’ Process: Observe. Connect. Acknowledge.

β€’ Inquire: What am I receiving?

β€’ Capturing the moment in form (eg. photo)

β€’ Maintaining a nature journal that holds the daily encounters

β€’ A new relationship to space and time is established


πŸŽ“ Training Activity 2: Hospitable Environments : Learning from Ancient Site Pilgrimages


β€’ Recognizing the Gift of our Attention in Space and Time

β€’ Deepening and Expanding our Perceptive Field

β€’ Intentionally visiting ancient sites or natural reserves (more than once)

β€’ Noticing how each visit offers new expression amongst a familiar ground

β€’ Relational: honoring the cycles and rhythms of life.

β€’ Inclusion: honoring our ancestors.

β€’ Listening. Allowing. Participating.

β€’ Rest. Nourishment. Wellbeing.

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