
🎓 Training Activity 1: Creating Landing Pages That Sell


💻 These videos with marketing professional Paul Finch take you through the difference between a website and landing page, what the core components and modules are to make one convert, how to structure and design your page, and how to cheat to get a higher converting page.

While you watch, think about these questions:

  1. 🌻How is a landing page different than a general website

  2. 🌻What type of landing page is best suited to your business needs?

  3. 🌻What are some landing pages that inspire you?

Watch the videos below:

  1. 🌻Part 1: Five Tips Before You Start

  2. 🌻Part 2: How To Design Your Landing Page

  3. 🌻Part 3: Examples Of Great Landing Pages

Explore some more...

There are countless resources about landing pages for you to explore. Here are just a few:

  1. Unbounce – The anatomy, benefits and best practices of landing page

  2. Unbounce – 34 best landing page examples 

  3. 13 Types of landing pages - which one to use and where

  4. Unbounce - The complete guide to successful landing pages

Great landing page examples include:

  1. Four Sigmatic (B2C)

  2. Anova (B2C) 

Unbounce offers landing page building services. If you're in the market for an easy, code-free way to start building your company's landing page, check them out at this unique link: https://unbounce.grsm.io/GrowthStudio (you get a 20% discount if you use this link).

Apply your knowledge!

After viewing the videos and reviewing the resources above, it's time to create your own landing page 🥳

A. Create the objectives and collect the background information you need on your page:

  1. What is your key objective?

  2. Research your competition. Search on Google "best practice landing pages for [your sector].”

  3. Define what metrics you will use to measure your page’s performance.

  4. What are the top benefits your products/services promise to the person on the page?

  5. What makes you unique, different, or better than anyone else?

  6. What persuaders, proof points, or testimonials can you add?

B. Craft the first draft of a landing page.

  1. Create a hand-drawn sketch, a Miro mock-up, a design, or even better, a real live landing page.

  2. Ask 2-3 people (customers, prospects, or someone who will give you honest feedback) to review and provide their feedback.

Leveraging your Universal Skills

While helping your team improve in this Team Development area, you can simultaneously be leveraging and enhancing your Universal Skills & Character Strengths. To do that, go to your Team Growth board to review your Universal Skills & Character Strengths results and priorities, and then see how you can adapt this team growth activity to also help you improve your individual skills.

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Expert who developed the module

Paul Finch
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