
📒 Module: Design Thinking


Human Centered Approach

Why innovate

What is DT

Why DT

DT Mindset

The three dimensions of innovation

The three dimensions of solution

Key principals

DT Approach

Scopes Tool

DT process

How does DT work

Diamond Model

How Might We

Stakeholder map

Context map

Mind map

Working in teams

Stage 1: Empathy

What is Empahty

Why to Empathy

How to Empathize


Stage 2 : Define

What is define

Define Stage process

Lotus Blossom tool

Finding v/s insights

Market work / Design work

Extreme User

Point of View

Stage 3 : Ideate

What is ideate


Choosing idea

Tools to ideate

Stage 4 : Prototype

What is a prototype

Why do we prototype

Tools to prototype

Stage 5 : Test

What is testing

Why testing

How to test your prototype

Tools to test

Help Text Formula

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Expert who developed the module

Riad Makdissi