
🎓 Training Activity 3: Growth Hacking Mindset


Now you have a landing page and the right tools to drive and convert traffic, it's time to think about your marketing strategy as a whole, and this begins with some creative thinking. The modern entrepreneurs of today are able to push their thinking beyond traditional methods (e.g. the usual Facebook post or a simple Google display ad) and find ways of truly maximizing both budget and effort. And the primary way to do this? Testing and experimentation 🔬

In this video, Rayan introduces the 'Growth Hacking Mindset', what it is, how it compares to traditional digital marketing, and how to use testing and optimization to drive more sales/acquisitions this month than you did last month, and even more next month than you'll do this month - all by applying the growth hacking mindset to your business 📈

🌻 Watch Part 1

🌻 Watch Part 2

Apply your knowledge!

Use the principles of Testing and Optimization to plan three tests for your landing page. 

These can be:

🌻 Headline tests

🌻 Image tests

🌻 Call-to-action tests

🌻 Any other test that will improve the performance of your page.

You will need to justify why you have chosen these tests, what specifically you'll be testing, and why you think that will improve conversion rates.

Leveraging your Universal Skills

While helping your team improve in this Team Development area, you can simultaneously be leveraging and enhancing your Universal Skills & Character Strengths. To do that, go to your Team Growth board to review your Universal Skills & Character Strengths results and priorities, and then see how you can adapt this team growth activity to also help you improve your individual skills.

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Expert who developed the module

Paul Finch
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