
🎓 Training Activity 2: Funding Sources


In this lesson, you will learn more about how to leverage your strengths by understanding the investment landscape.

Building on the last activity about Gap Assessments, continue thinking about the following questions:

🌻 What are some of the most important things investors look for in companies?

🌻 Where can you look for potential investors/funders in your market?

🌻 What type of investment are you seeking?

🌻 How can you begin to build relationships with new investors?

🧠 Think outside the box! Keep a list of new ideas.

Explore some more...

  1. 🌱 Access the presentation slides of the content covered in the video.

  2. 🌱 If you are working in Lebanon, take some time to look through these valuable lists:

    1. Database of Funding Sources in Lebanon for Entrepreneurs

    2. List of Funding Sources for Technology Companies in Lebanon (2021)

  3. 🌱 Check out Abaca! Abaca aligns entrepreneurs with investors and other support organizations (accelerators, bootcamps, and more) on where their startup stands now and a roadmap for where to go next.

Apply your knowledge!

🚀 Make a list of your own criteria for selecting your ideal investor, including:

  1. The desired amount of investment

  2. The stage of investments they fund (Seed, Early State, or Growth and Expansion)

  3. Location: Do they make local / national / regional / global investments?

  4. The sector they focus on (i.e., tech, health, agriculture, etc.)


🚀 Work with your team to identify based on the resources we shared in this activity and your knowledge of the market, your three most potential funders.

Make sure to share and defend your choice based on your list of criteria.

Leveraging your Universal Skills

While helping your team improve in this Team Development area, you can simultaneously be leveraging and enhancing your Universal Skills & Character Strengths. To do that, go to your Team Growth board to review your Universal Skills & Character Strengths results and priorities, and then see how you can adapt this team growth activity to also help you improve your individual skills.

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Expert who developed the module

Constantin Salameh
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