
🎓 Training Activity 2: Collecting and Protecting Your Company Data


This activity covers processes related to gathering data for your accelerator programs.

The EU has the most comprehensive and up-to-date regulations for data compliance, so Anna's recommendations are based on these standards. However, they can be adapted to any legal context with the help of a data compliance expert. The topics include:

🌻 Why data matters to accelerator programs.

🌻 How to collect the right data for our needs.

🌻 Where and how to collect it and how to process it, including the responsibilities of the person on your team who looks after your data collection and protection process.

🌻 Further information about processing data, covering how to work with it in a responsible and secure way.

📝 There's lots of valuable information here, so feel free to pause, take notes, rewatch, or any other strategies that help you process.

Let's get started!

🎬 Watch the video here

Explore some more...

The actions stated in the EU's GDPR Checklist are the main things that a business needs to do in order to stay compliant.

Four important processes you need to have are:

With these four things - a Data Protection Agreement, a Privacy Policy, a Cookie Policy, and a GDPR Register - you are making good progress toward being GDPR compliant. In all of your agreements, you should make sure that you add a GDPR clause, but for this, you will need to seek local legal advice. Just ask a local expert or data lawyer for the appropriate paragraphs to add.

Apply your knowledge!

Using this spreadsheet, make a list of what kind of digital data you currently collect and what other data you want to collect and why.

Share this list with other accelerators to see what data they think is important to collect and why. Discuss together the challenges of collecting data and how to overcome these challenges.

Finally, complete this example Risk & Asset Register for your accelerator.

Leveraging your Universal Skills

While helping your team improve in this Team Development area, you can simultaneously be leveraging and enhancing your Universal Skills & Character Strengths. To do that, go to your Team Growth board to review your Universal Skills & Character Strengths results and priorities, and then see how you can adapt this team growth activity to also help you improve your individual skills.

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Expert who developed the module

Anna Thomlinson
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