🌱 Welcome to the first Activity of this module. In this activity, communication expert Anna Thomlinson discusses the following topics:
🌻 How communications convey stories.
🌻 Why founders and startups should be Heroes at the center of your communications messages.
🌻 How to make your story reach a broad audience.
🌻 How a Communications Plan can improve your messaging and schedule workloads.
☀️ By the end of this Activity, you will start working on your Communication Plan Document (template included below).
🤟 Here is an example of a pre-filled Marketing Campaign Planner document.
🙌 MassChallenge and Start it Accelerator are two case studies from which we can learn a lot.
👌 Look at the GAN Annual Report of a survey covering 128 accelerators spread across more than a hundred cities and six continents. The full report is available to subscribed members, but the public version also has valuable information and statistics. It is essential to note that recently GAN members have received fewer applications, so this should be remembered when setting your communications plan targets.
🚀 Step 1:
Save a copy of the Marketing Campaign Planner template.
🚀 Step 2:
In tab 1, add the communications campaigns you want to host the year ahead, with their relevant deadlines, e.g., when you will start messaging about your next big event or applications call, and the deadlines for applying or registering.
🚀 Step 3:
Fill in external events and Startup Stories that you might want to include in your communications plan.
🌻 In the next Activity, you will receive instructions for completing the rest of the document.
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