
🎬 Movie: I am Sam (2002)



In this movie Sam (Sean Penn) displays a mentally disabled man who must fight for custody of his young daughter. The child welfare board of his native Santa Monica has taken her from him, worried that at eight years old she has already begun to pass him in intellectual development. Sam’s argument is that it’s not brains but love that counts. Sam is duly aided by an intelligent lawyer (Michelle Pfeiffer) who in the course of discovering her client’s essential humanity, discovers her own as well.

Apply your knowledge!

🌻 Watch the movie with a group of people (virtually or in-person), and think deeply about your life in relation to the movie.

🌻 After watching the movie, what is an idea from it that is relevant to your life that you can debate or discuss?

🌻Launch a debate or discussion about this topic with your colleagues or friends.