
🎥 Video: Three Simple, Fun and Effective Tools to Help Manage Risk



Having spent more than 30 years as a full-time sponsored extreme sports athlete, Will Gadd, in this humorous talk, outlines a few simple tools we can all use to navigate the risk inherent in life.

It is interesting how Hazard Recognition, Anticipation, and Lean-On-The-Fear are a perfect recipe to manage risks in our own businesses.

Watch this video, then jump into the action section to see how you can apply these tips to your enterprise.

Apply your knowledge!

After watching the video, organize a team meeting and brainstorm the possible "Hazards" that might face you and your team in the coming six months, one year, and two years. Don't forget to set a date for the next meeting six months from now to evaluate the Hazards and how you managed them.