
🎓 Training Activity 5: Letters of Intent & Sales Pipeline Management


The final session in this module wraps up with a discussion of Letters of Intent (LOI) and Sales Pipeline Management. By the end of this activity, you will know what an LOI is and how to efficiently use it in your scaleup, and understand how to review, manage and improve your sales pipeline.

Orfeuo also presents a visualized way of reporting on key accounts, the Key Accounts Bullseye 🎯

Apply your knowledge!

Draft a letter of intent to be signed by your potential customers. You can use this LOI template.

Then, add the Key Accounts Bullseye attached below to your Mural board. Can you score any of your customers on this graphic?

Leveraging your Universal Skills

While helping your team improve in this Team Development area, you can simultaneously be leveraging and enhancing your Universal Skills & Character Strengths. To do that, go to your Team Growth board to review your Universal Skills & Character Strengths results and priorities, and then see how you can adapt this team growth activity to also help you improve your individual skills.

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Expert who developed the module

Orfeuo Lionor
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