
🎓 Training Activity 5: Elevator Pitch


Let’s explore the art of concise communication through crafting an impactful Elevator Pitch. 🚀

By the end of this training activity, you'll:

🌟 Understand what an Elevator Pitch is and its importance

🌟Explore the key elements that create a compelling Elevator Pitch, enabling you to deliver a concise and persuasive message about your business, leaving a lasting impression on potential investors and collaborators.

Let's get started!

🎬 Watch the video here

Explore some more...

Check these valuable resources to help you craft your elevator pitch:

Elevator Pitch Examples:

✨Gain inspiration from watching these four Video examples of great elevator pitches: 

✨Check these ten written Elevator Pitch Examples from successful startups to get some inspiration for your pitch.

How to Write Elevator Pitch:

✨Check this article on how To write elevator pitch for investors 

✨Get some insights from this article on how to structure and prepare your elevator pitch effectively

Check these resources on effective networking:

How can you network effectively as an introvert? This LinkedIn article has great tips on networking for everyone whether introvert or not.

✨Check these tips from this article by Entrepreneur on how to effectively network as an entrepreneur and build long-lasting connections

Apply your knowledge!

📝 Use the Elevator Pitch Worksheet to craft your compelling pitch for your startup. Then share your pitch with a colleague or friend. Gather their insights and suggestions to refine and improve your pitch.

📧 Use the Email Follow-up Worksheet to compose effective follow-up emails for potential investors or connections you meet after delivering your Elevator Pitch.

Leveraging your Universal Skills

While helping your team improve in this Team Development area, you can simultaneously be leveraging and enhancing your Universal Skills & Character Strengths. To do that, go to your Team Growth board to review your Universal Skills & Character Strengths results and priorities, and then see how you can adapt this team growth activity to also help you improve your individual skills.

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Expert who developed the module

Angela Solomon
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