What tools can you use to build a strong team culture?
Values based recruitment (VBR) is an approach to help attract and recruit prospective employees whose personal values and behaviors align with those of your organization. The best way to deliver VBR is through a Cultural Fit Assessment.
As you watch the video, think about these questions:
🌻 What are your team's core values that will attract good candidates?
🌻 What are some sample interview questions that target your core values?
✍️ Take notes! It will help you complete the rest of the action.
This article gives a candidate's perspective on VBR.
This is an in-depth article about Cultural Fit Assessments.
This article lists some sample Cultural Fit interview questions.
It's time to create a Cultural Fit Assessment for your company 🥳 Many samples are available online, however, it is key that this document reflect your own unique culture.
1. Now that your values are clear, write 3 behaviors that support each value (must be an action sentence). For example:
Value: Social Awareness
Behavior 1: Analyze the internal and external social environment before taking action.
2. Draft a culture fit questionnaire encompassing not more than 10 questions (you can add more questions later).
Make sure you cover the 2 parts we discussed in the video:
Questions to bring personal values and behaviors to the surface.
Questions to benchmark and assess alignment with the core values of the organization.
🙌 Great work! Save this document with your team's HR library. When the time comes to recruit new team members, incorporate it into your interview process.
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