Bloom Activity Library


📊 Business Process: Project Point of Departure



This is a method for individuals and teams to define the structure, direction and first steps of a project. The individual or team works through a set of questions and documents the answers in a sharable digital format. This can either be a “living” document that develops with the project it can be left as just a clear and concise record of the starting-point.


🎬 Movie: Pay it Forward (2000)



Trevor McKinney is a young boy living in fear of an alcoholic mother and an abusive father. When his social studies teacher assigns the class to put into action a plan to change the world, he sets in motion a chain of kindness and forgiveness that extends far beyond his small social circle. This movie provides a poignant example of how much impact a simple act of forgiveness can have.


📊 Business Process: Dotmocracy



Dotmocracy is a simple method for group prioritization or decision-making. It is not an activity on its own, but a method to use in processes where prioritization or decision-making is the aim. The method supports a group to quickly see which options are most popular or relevant. The options or ideas are written on post-its and stuck up on a wall for the whole group to see. Each person votes for the options they think are the strongest, and that information is used to inform a decision.


🎬 Movie: Lawrence of Arabia (1962)



T.E. Lawrence is an eccentric British army officer serving in North Africa during World War I. Bored with doing menial jobs, he jumps at the chance to act as an observer with an Arab tribal Army. The movie shows Lawrence’s transformation into a skilled desert leader and culminates as he unites the Arab tribes against the Turkish army.


🎶 Song: Bridge Over Troubled Water (Simon and Garfunkel or Johnny Cash)



Provide comfort for someone in need.


🎬 Movie: As Good as it Gets (1997)



Despite his successful career as a romance novelist, Melvin Udall is cranky, obsessive, and bigoted. His life begins to change when his gay neighbor is brutally beaten and entrusts the care of his dog to Melvin while he recuperates. With the help of the neighbor and a waitress with whom he has a difficult relationship, the author begins to learn about the value of kindness and caring.


🎬 Movie: Out of Africa (1985)



Karen Blixen came to Africa from Denmark in order to start a coffee plantation, accompanied by her aristocratic husband of convenience. Her time in Africa sees her husband begin to be unfaithful, a romance develop between her and another man, and her appreciation for African culture increase dramatically. She begins to appreciate the beauty in both her surroundings and her relationships, difficult as her circumstances may be.


🎬 Movie: Milk (2008)



A biographical film based on the life of gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk. Movie depicts Milks’ courage to the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in Californi


🎬 Movie: The Color of Paradise (2000- Iranian)



This film follows the early life of a blind Iranian boy. His father sees him as an obstacle to marriage and passes him off to a kind-hearted carpenter. Much of the movie is an exploration of worldly beauty through the boy’s remaining senses, though the ending is both dramatic and emotionally powerful.


🤔 Questions / Contemplations: Notice The Cycles.



Appreciate the subtle changes of different seasons. Find beauty in seasonal change, growth, and renewal.

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