Bloom Activity Library


πŸ“– Book: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful



Leadership expert Marshall Goldsmith is here to remind you that the very traits that enabled you to become successful might lead to your downfall.

Now that you are a leader, your behavioral quirks and weaknesses take on more weight and significance, and can do more harm than they could when you were an up-and-comer. Lucky for you, Goldsmith identifies the 20 most common shortcomings and provides a seven-step procedure for improving without a complete personal makeover πŸ§‘β€πŸ’Ό


🎬 Movie: In a Better World (2010, Denmark)



A remarkable story of a doctor and his family struggles amid complex choices between strengths fairness and forgiveness.


🎬 Movie: Field of Dreams (1989)



This is gentle touching movie, filled with baseball but indeed, it is not about baseball – instead it is about a man (Kavin Costner) realizing his dreams and learning that sometimes you have to take a chance in life. The film depicts hope and optimism amidst highly improbable seemingly unrealistic odds.


πŸ€” Questions / Contemplations: Appreciate Other's Appreciation



Notice how others appreciate beauty and excellence through specific words, expressions, gestures, and actions. See if you notice them admiring aspects of life that you aren’t typically aware of.


βœ… Activity: Positive quotes to inspire and motivate you



Read quotes of wisdom and re-write them as small, practical steps for yourself.

You can check out this resource for inspirational quotes:

Leave them as notes for yourself in locations where you deal with challenges, such as an office desk or by phone.


🎬 Movie: Children of Heaven (1997)



This engaging film from Iran is a story of a poor family who copes with the financial difficulties of day-to-day existence, and, despite the apparent obstacles, remains a happy and loving group. Unlike traditional rivalry, a brother and a sister are shown to truly care for each other.


🎬 Movie: Billy Elliot (2000)



Billy Elliot is eleven and lives with his father in a mining town in northern England. He attends boxing lessons at school for a time, but tires of the brutality and instead takes up ballet. Despite the opposition of his family and the ridicule of his friends, Billy persists in his dance studies. When his hard work earns him an audition at the Royal Ballet School, however, he must open up to his community despite their traditional mindset.


πŸ“– Reading: We May be Brothers After All (Speech)



The Great Chief in Washington sends word that you wish to buy our land. The idea of selling land is strange to us, but we will consider your offer. How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? If we do not own the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The mountains, the meadows, the deer, the great eagle, and man – all belong to the same family. This will not be easy. The land is sacred to us. The rivers are our brothers, and yours, and you must give the rivers the kindness you would give any brother. If we accept, I will make one condition. The white man must treat the beasts of this land as his brothers. If all the beasts are gone, man would die from loneliness of spirit. All things are connected. The air is precious to us. The air shares its spirit with all like and if we sell you our land you must keep it sacred as a place that even the white man can go to taste the wind and smell the meadow’s flowers. Everything is connected. We may be brothers; we shall see. One thing we know; our God is the same as yours. The earth is precious to Him. Even the white man cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers. We shall see. Chief Sealth is also known as Chief Seattle. The city Seattle was named after him.


🎬 Movie: Erin Brockovich (2000)



The lead character, an unemployed single mother, has no luck finding a job until her lawyer reluctantly hires her on as an aide. Her mannerisms put off her co-workers at first, but during the course of the movie she stumbles upon a scheme at the Pacific Gas & Electric Company with huge implications for the community. Her determination to bring the truth to light eventually results in one of the biggest class-action lawsuits in American history.


πŸ“Š Business Process: Team Remote Working Charter



This tool guides your team through the process of writing a remote working charter, defining the guidelines and behaviour expected of people working at a distance. Team members reflect on their own remote working experiences and use that insight to create a shared charter for the group / organisation.

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